Dr. Alex


Aug 16, 2023

Single Anterior Tooth Crossbites

We often encounter single anterior tooth crossbites. These can be the result of crowding or even an indication of a greater underlying bite issue. The patient below has an upper left lateral incisor that is in crossbite with his lower incisors.

Single tooth crossbite before and after treated using Braces and a Quad Helix by Genuine Orthodontics in Brentwood TN

You can see above that the tooth was moved forward out of crossbite. This is very helpful as the patient will no longer wear the front half of this tooth (preserving its natural form).

To achieve this result we used braces as well as a Quad Helix expander (click here to see what this appliance looks like on our services page).

upper teeth before and after treated using Braces and a Quad Helix by Genuine Orthodontics in Brentwood TN

You can see that the upper left lateral moved forward significantly! You can also see that it nicely matches the appearance of the tooth on the contralateral side.

lower arch before and after treated using Braces and a Quad Helix by Genuine Orthodontics in Brentwood TN

The alignment of the lower teeth also improved noticeably.

palatal superimposition showing lateral movement treated using Braces and a Quad Helix by Genuine Orthodontics in Brentwood TN

And this last image is for the dentist and orthodontists out there. This is a superimposition of the patient’s palate with the upper left lateral incisor traced. You can see that it was not just the crown of the tooth (the part you can see) that moved, but also the root. This creates the best possible gingival contours and reduces the chance of relapse. The root of the tooth was kept nicely in bone.


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